Overview of UKK and contact info


UKK emerged in the spring of 2002 as a reaction to cutbacks by the Ministry of Culture, which particularly affected the young art scene. At the time no one spoke on behalf of this group why a new organisation was necessary. Until 2018 the name of the organisation was “Young Artists, Curators and Art Mediators.” “Young” referred to a membership restraint running for fifteen years after graduation. Today artists, curators and art workers of any age can apply for a membership.

Working groups

Art workers with disabilities
Anthony Dexter Giannelli, Victor Vejle, Luna Scales, Frederik Rørmann, Dagmar Büchert disability@ukk.community

Student Group
Seraina Grupp, Noah Holtegaard, and Andrej Kiripolský

Diversity Group
Felis Dos and Lawrence Ebelle


Scott William Raby, chair@ukk.community


Anne Munnecke Christensen, admin@ukk.community

The board

Anthony Dexter Giannelli, Anne Munnecke Christensen, Felis Dos, Lawrence Ebelle, Noah Holtegaard (studenterrepræsentant), Scott William Raby, Philip Pilekjær and Waqas Elahi Dar. info@ukk.community.


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